Needles & Threads

Easy Peasy

I finished knitting my first skirt.  Nothing fancy.  I just picked out a stitch from a stitch dictionary.  Cast on and knit till I got bored.  Then I switched to something simpler and knit till I got bored of that too.  And voila!!  The skirt.



Me · Needles & Threads

Back In Action

I am going the Montessori way! Which means that I will be spending the next couple of weeks trying to de-clutter Ka’s room. No more books lying all over the place, no more wasted time trying to decide what game to play or which activity book to work on, or what clothes to wear! Limit the choices! It just makes life so much simpler. So, we spent a fairly big chunk of yesterday sorting through her books, putting away all but 10 of them and doing the same with her toys. Anyway, after the sorting, we couldn’t justify using up a whole shelf for just those 10 books. Moreover, Ka does most of her reading at bedtime. So, this is what I came up with, an easy-peasy-lemon-sqeezy solution that took me just a couple of hours to make.  The next time around, it will be quicker and cuter!


I do intend posting a simple tutorial on making this book-holder thingie.  Will try to get around to it soon.  Right now, my conscience is gnawing at me for “wasting” time blogging when I should be working on my assignments.  So, I’ll beg leave for now and I promise, I will be back soon 😉


Needles & Threads

My latest…

And that’s my first original knitting design!! Hmmm. So I am into designing knits now. Mostly knitwear but some other random stuff too. And it’s fun and challenging and a good diversion from ranting about not being able to dance 🙂

Anyway, I was so happy with this little christmas tree decoration that I decided to try my hand at a hat!! And here’s what I made…

That’s ‘Ullu’ (and here’s the free pattern). Needless to say, the calendar has been evicted from it’s sweet spot under my bed and that spot has been given to the yarn and needles. But, just typing this makes me feel so guilty that I just might work on the calendar for a little bit today. The clouds might just magically form today afterall…