
1000 Wishes Swap

Here are my ATCs for Today’s Tangles 1000 Wishes Swap. One on behalf of each member of my family – the husband, the kids (two-legged and 4- legged) and me 🙂 

Pen on Paper

A ‘No Fuss’ Tile – Part 2 :)

I had made a super-quick tile for IAST#192 a week or so ago.  As I mentioned in Part 1 of this post, it was fun and relaxing but not so satisfying. So to make up for the lack of effort I put into that one, I made a second tile.  This one was just as fun, relaxing and quick.  It was also a teeny tiny bit more satisfying.  This time I used a white tile instead of a black, used the same three tangles and ended up with something reasonably different.  I absolutely loved drawing Hearts-a-Flutter and Warped Eggs.  However, I did have touble with Msst.  I can’t help but feel that it has tremendous potential but I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what the best way to work it into a composition is!  Any suggestions or tips will be much appreciated, as always 🙂

New ‘M’ on White Tile
Pen on Paper

1000 Wishes…

Here’s my Artist’s Trading Card for the 1000 wishes ATC swap over at Today’s Tangles.  It was so much fun, I’m going to be making a few more of these.

TANGLES: Mooka, Bubbles, W2, Zari (original)
Pen on Paper

Hi! How’re You Feeling Today?

A few days ago I’d posted a pic of my first Zendala Dare in a post titled DUI (Drawing Under the Influence).  I had a cold that day accompanied by a very sore throat and a migraine.  I was trying to feel better through tangling.  Yeah, well! That didn’t quite go as planned. I wasn’t happy with the tile I ended up with.  So, as soon as I felt better I made another one using the exact same template.  Here are the two Zendalas for comparison.  I am blown away by how much the two pieces reflect my state of mind at the time I drew them.

During a Migraine
After  the Migraine


Pen on Paper

Circles and Squares, Oh My!

Here’s my tile for Diva Challenge #311 with Me Three, Pea-Nuckle, a little hint of Msst, and a couple of my own made-up tangles.  Now that I look at it, I am thinking I should have used a 005 for the background.  Lesson learnt…moving on 🙂
